forestry | landwirtschaft | klima | digitalisierung

Smart Forests: Leveraging AI-Remote Sensing to Combat Forest Degradation and Carbon Loss in Ethiopian Coffee Landscapes
Michelle Kalamandeen, Katja Weyhermüller and Johannes Pirker
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forestry | klima

Native Seedling Nursery Manual
unique land use GmbH

Turning Harm Into Opportunity: Repurposing agricultural subsidies that destroy forests and non-forest natural ecosystems – Executive Summary & Policy Recommendations
Signe Nelgen, Simon Charré, unique land use GmbH; Pablo Pacheco, WWF
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Nationwide remote sensing framework for forest resource assessment in war-affected Ukraine
Viktor Myroniuk, Axel Weinreich, Vincent von Dosky, Viktor Melnychenko, Andrii Shamrai, Maksym Matsala, Matthew J. Gregory, David M. Bell, Raymond Davis
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Potentials for enhanced contributions of wood value chains to the national economy in Viet Nam
Held, C.; Alonso, V.; Lippe, R. S.; Schweinle, J.
Ukraine’s wood industry: navigating current chal-lenges and forging a path to growth in a recovery scenario
Alonso, V.; Wippel, B.; Soloviy, I.; Chelepis, T.; Lavnyy, V.; Lippe, R. S.; Schweinle, J.
Policy brief – Farmers’ Organizations as Change Agents for the Transformation of Agricultural and Food Systems
Jana Rauch
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landwirtschaft | klima
Guidebook for Project developers – Best practice for Agricultural carbon project development targeting Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCM)
Timm Tennigkeit, Adaugo Okoli, Alexis Brakhan
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forestry | klima
Restoration of Degraded Coastal Forests in Vietnam’s North Central Coast
Till Pistorius, Ho Dac Thai Hoang, Tai Tien Dinh, Le Thai Hung, Maximilian Roth & Tran Khuong Duy
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landwirtschaft | klima
Landscape Restoration Opportunities in the Naryn River Basin, the Kyrgyz Republic : Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM) Report (English)
World Bank
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forestry | landwirtschaft | klima
Funding Options for Ecosystem Restoration in Central America and Africa
Jacinto Coello, Laura Frey
forestry | digitalisierung
Forest Flux – Final Report
Tuomas Häme, Laura Sirro, Lauri Seitsonen, Yrjö Rauste, Matti Mõttus, Jukka Miettinen, Matthias Dees, Lincoln Davis, Fernando Rossi, Juho Penttilä, Markus Auvinen, Jussi Rasinmäki, Annikki Mäkelä, Francesco Minunno, Xianglin Tian, Gheorghe Marin, Marius Dumitru
Rwanda Value Chain and Regulatory Assessment Fertilizer and Pesticides
unique land use GmbH
landwirtschaft | klima
Compensating farmers for ecosystem services
Eva Wollenberg, Timm Tennigkeit, Dhanush Dinesh, Sophia Baumert, Felicitas Röhrig,
Lisa Kirfel-Rühle, Leanne Zeppenfeldt
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Time management governs climate resilience and productivity in the coupled rice–wheat cropping systems of eastern India
Andrew J. McDonald, Balwinder-Singh, Alwin Keil, Amit Srivastava, Peter Craufurd, Avinash Kishore, Virender Kumar, Gokul Paudel, Sudhanshu Singh, A. K. Singh, R. K. Sohane & R. K. Malik
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Development of case studies to enhance the employment situation in Kenya’s forestry and wood sector
Veronica Alonso, Paul Jacovelli
Conservation Agriculture Benefits Indian Farmers, but Technology Targeting Needed for Greater Impacts
Vijesh V. Krishna, Alwin Keil, Meha Jain, Weiqi Zhou, Monish Jose,
Subash Surendran-Padmaja, Luis Barba-Escoto, Balwinder-Singh, M. L. Jat and
Olaf Erenstein
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landwirtschaft | klima
Policy brief – Aligning improved livelihoods of coffee farmers and forest conservation in Ethiopia’s southwest highlands
Grit Techel
forestry | digitalisierung
Helping forest owners to manage forest carbon – the Forest Flux project
Tuomas Häme, Laura Sirro, Matthias Dees, Annikki Mäkelä, Juho Penttilä, Gheorghe Marin and Margarida Tomé
landwirtschaft | klima | digitalisierung
Digital solutions for small-scale farming: Fostering climate resilient and low carbon agrifood systems
Johannes Mössinger, Timm Tennigkeit
landwirtschaft | digitalisierung
Of milk and mobiles: Assessing the potential of cellphone applications to reduce cattle milk yield gaps in Africa using a case study
Christian Bateki, Thomas Daum, Ana Salvatierra-Rojas, Joachim Müller, Regina Birner, Uta Dickhoefer
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landwirtschaft | digitalisierung
Bridging the gap between models and users: A lightweight mobile interface for optimized farming decisions in interactive modeling sessions
Johannes Mössinger, Christian Troost, Thomas Berger
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An analysis of the future supply of and demand for tropical timber and its contributions to a sustainable economy
Christian Held, Eva Meier-Landsberg
and Verónica Alonso
What lies ahead for the tropical timber sector?
Christian Held, Eva Meier-Landsberg, Verónica Alonso
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forestry | landwirtschaft | klima
Evaluation of Initiative for Sustainable Landscapes Program (ISLA)
Reichhuber, A.; Iskandarani, M.; Techel, G.; Davis, L.; Panev, M.
forestry | klima
Nature-based Solutions im freiwilligen Kohlenstoffmarkt – aktuelle Bedeutung und Potenziale
Benjamin Schwarz, Till Pistorius, Mathias Seebauer
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landwirtschaft | klima
Restoring Degraded Coffee Landscapes and Scaling up Sustainable Production in South-West Ethiopia
UNIQUE forestry and land use
landwirtschaft | klima
Estimating Environmental Impacts of Climate Smart, Organic, and Regenerative Agriculture
Anke Reichhuber, Suzanne van Dijk, Jonathan Walsh
landwirtschaft | klima
Institutional Analysis of the Current National System and Processes Related to Climate Change in Turkmenistan
Bunafsha Mislimshoeva, Gulbahar Abdurasulova, Jonathan Walsh, and Jochen Statz
forestry | landwirtschaft | digitalisierung
A map of the extent and year of detection of oil palm plantations in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand
Olga Danylo, Johannes Pirker, Guido Lemoine, Guido Ceccherini, Linda See, Ian McCallum, Hadi, Florian Kraxner, Frédéric Achard & Steffen Fritz
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landwirtschaft | klima | digitalisierung
The power of digitalization: Transforming agrifood systems to enhance climate benefits
Timm Tennigkeit, Johannes Mössinger
forestry | landwirtschaft
Report on Options for Naturebased Solutions to Enhance NDC Commitments in Three Countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan)
Eva Kehayova, Bunafsha Mislimshoeva, Gulbahar Abdurasulova, Bernd Wippel
Further evidence that gender matters for GHG mitigation in the dairy sector
Andreas Wilkes, Shimels Eshete Wassie, Miriam Vorlaufer, Charles Odhong’, Suzanne van Dijk
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landwirtschaft | klima
Variation in the carbon footprint of milk production on smallholder dairy farms in central Kenya
Andreas Wilkes, Shimels Wassie, Charles Odhong’, Simon Fraval, Suzanne van Dijk
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Zero-tillage wheat provides stable yield and economic benefits under diverse growing season climates in the Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains
Alwin Keil, Archisman Mitra, Andrew McDonald, Ram Kanwar Malik
Independent Evaluation of AGRA’s Policy Project – The Micro Reforms for African Agribusiness (MIRA) Project – Executive summary
John Holtzman, Anke Reichhuber, Johannes Woelcke
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The Livestock Sub-sector in Kenya’s NDC: a scoping of gaps and priorities
Andreas Wilkes et al.
forestry | klima
Info note – The impact of COVID-19 on low-emission dairy development in Kenya
Charles Odhong’, Shimels Wassie, Suzanne van Dijk and Andreas Wilkes
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Indian agriculture, air pollution, and public health in the age of COVID
co-authored by Alwin Keil
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landwirtschaft | klima
Changing agricultural stubble burning practices in the Indo-Gangetic plains: is the Happy Seeder a profitable alternative?
Alwin Keil, P. P. Krishnapriya, Archisman Mitra, Mangi L. Jat, Harminder S. Sidhu, Vijesh V. Krishna and Priya Shyamsundar
forestry | private impact investments
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on tropical timber production
Christian Held, Eva Meier-Landsberg
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forestry | klima
forestry | landwirtschaft
Mainstreaming the Ecosystem-based Adaptation approach into policy planning
Bunafsha Mislimshoeva, Renuka Srinivasan, Jochen Statz
forestry | landwirtschaft | klima
Considering climate risk information in policy planning
Bunafsha Mislimshoeva, Renuka Srinivasan, Jochen Statz, Anvar Homidov, Aliya Medebaeva, Makhbuba Kasymova
forestry | klima
Entwicklung von Maßnahmen des Vertragsnaturschutzes im Kommunal- und Privatwald in Baden-Württemberg
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Meta-analysis of the effects of on-farm management strategies on milk yields of dairy cattle on smallholder farms in the Tropics
C. A. Bateki, S. van Dijk, A. Wilkes, U. Dickhoefer and R. White
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