
Publikation „Native Seedling Nursery Manual“
18. Oktober 2024
Publikation „Turning Harm Into Opportunity: Repurposing agricultural subsidies that destroy forests and non-forest natural ecosystems | Executive Summary & Policy Recommendations“
3. September 2024
Publikation „Nationwide remote sensing framework for forest resource assessment in war-affected Ukraine“
26. Juli 2024
Publikation „Ukraine’s wood industry: navigating current challenges and forging a path to growth in a recovery scenario“
26. Juni 2024
Publikation „Potentials for enhanced contributions of wood valuechains to the nationaleconomy in Viet Nam“
26. Juni 2024
Policy Brief „Farmers’ Organizations as Change Agents for the Transformation of Agricultural and Food Systems“
31. Oktober 2023
Agroforstliche Schulungsbroschüren – ein Leitfaden für Kleinbauern in Südostafrika
13. Oktober 2023
Publikation „Guidebook for Project developers – Best practice for Agricultural carbon project development targeting Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCM)“
11. September 2023
Publikation „Restoration of Degraded Coastal Forests in Vietnam’s North Central Coast“
7. September 2023
Publikation „Landscape Restoration Opportunitiesin the Naryn River Basin,the Kyrgyz Republic : Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM) Report“
12. Mai 2023
Publikation „Funding Options for Ecosystem Restoration in Central America and Africa“
3. März 2023
Publikation „Producción de semillas de árboles nativos“
15. Dezember 2022
Publikation „Rwanda Value Chain and Regulatory Assessment Fertilizer and Pesticides“
8. Dezember 2022
Policy brief „Compensating farmers for ecosystem services“
14. November 2022
Nachrichtenmeldung „Unique land use leads in drought and adaptation analytics“
7. September 2022
Publikation „Time management governs climate resilience and productivity in the coupled rice–wheat cropping systems of eastern India“
26. Juli 2022
Policy Brief „Development of case studies to enhance the employment situation in Kenya’s forestry and wood sector“
1. Juni 2022
Publikation „Conservation Agriculture Benefits Indian Farmers, but Technology Targeting Needed for Greater Impacts“
8. April 2022
Publikation „Aligning improved livelihoods of coffee farmers and forest conservation in Ethiopia’s southwest highlands“
18. März 2022
Publikation „Digital solutions for small-scale farming: Fostering climate resilient and low carbon agrifood systems“
12. Januar 2022