Unterstützung der Gambella REDD+ Projektentwicklung
REDD+ is a key component of Ethiopia’s ambitious green growth strategy. The national REDD+ strategy requires the development of jurisdictional REDD+ programs for all regional states with major forest cover. Gambella Peoples Regional State is the third most forested state in Ethiopia and shows high potential for forest-based development. UNDP supports the Government of Ethiopia in developing a national REDD+ strategy. UNDP commissioned UNIQUE to provide initial support in preparing a bankable REDD+ program for the Gambella Region. The program describes the necessary measures and investments in order to reduce deforestation and degradation, while ensuring sustainable socio-economic development at the same time. The program contributes to the implementation of the green growth strategy and the Nationally Determined Contributions commitments.
- Collecting, compiling and analyzing forest and related secondary data for Gambella.
- Organizing three multi-stakeholders workshops to complete and verify data and information.
- Compiling the REDD+ program document for the Gambella region.