Grüner Klimafonds Machbarkeitsstudie
Deforestation and forest degradation in West Kalimantan are still constant threats to healthy ecosystems. In this context, the GIZ, along with the Provincial REDD+ Working Group and other partners, are preparing a funding proposal for a Green Climate Fund (GCF) project titled “Land-based mitigation and adaptation through a Jurisdictional Approach in West Kalimantan.” The objective is to support the implementation of the Indonesian REDD+ strategy and social forestry initiative by targeting the main drivers of deforestation and forest degradation. As part of the funding proposal, Unique supported GIZ with a feasibility study, an economic and financial analysis, the greenhouse gas emission reduction estimates and backstopping for diverse gender and environmental and social safeguard documents that will be presented to the GCF board.
- Development of a feasibility study for the GCF funding proposal
- Development of an economic and financial analysis
- Calculation of greenhouse gas emission reduction estimates
- Backstopping selected annexes
- Revision based on comments from the independent Technical Assessment Panel and the GCF Secretariat